Reception service

Each person under the responsibility of the National Social Inclusion Office (ONIS) is invited to an information meeting in application of article 5(2) of the Règlement grand-ducal du 1er octobre 2018 fixant les modalités d’application de la loi modifiée du 28 juillet 2018 relative au revenu d’inclusion sociale.

The invitation to the information meeting is sent by registered letter and participation at the meeting is mandatory.

Absence from the information meeting

If the person does not attend the information meeting without having provided supporting documents in advance, a request for supporting documents is sent by registered letter. The person is being granted 5 working days to provide documentation to justify the absence.

If no documentation is received by the ONIS within the above-mentioned period or if the documentation cannot be accepted as valid excuse, the person is considered to have refused to cooperate with the ONIS, which results in the loss of the REVIS for the month in which the refusal to cooperate was noted and for the following three months.

Participation in the information meeting and follow-up

The explanations given at the meeting are of a general nature and applicable to all participants in order to guarantee fair and identical treatment for everyone. 

During the presentation of the REVIS system, particular emphasis is placed on the rights and obligations of the beneficiary, as well as on the articles of the law that concern activation measures. The possibility for people to ask questions and request additional information allows specific aspects of the individual to be taken into account and permits a needs assessment based on the beneficiary’s observations.

At the end of the meeting a Regional Social Inclusion Officer (ARIS) is assigned to every participant and a first meeting with this public official is arranged.

An “information sheet” in Luxembourgish, French, German, English, Portuguese, Arabic, Farsi and Tigrinya containing the most important information provided in the information meeting is made available to the beneficiaries beforehand. These sheets are displayed below.

For supplementary information about the Reception service, please contact Mr Krier Frédéric (+352) 247-83639, Email:  

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